Expert Advice on Consumer Rights...
ConsumerRightsExpert was put together to offer comprehensive advice covering all aspects of consumer law. We aim to arm you with enough information to feel confident about what you are (and in some cases, are not) entitled to, so that you can fight your corner with confidence and avoid making costly mistakes.
July's Most Popular Articles...
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Advertising and Selling
Advertising and Selling: Common Consumer Misconceptions, What You Need to...
Ask Our Experts
Ask Our Experts: Can I Return a Puppy to the Seller?, Can I Get a Refund After Damaged...
Case Book
Case Book: Consumer Protection for Vulnerable People: A Case Scenario, Unusual...
Consumer Protection
Consumer Protection: Protection for Online Event Ticket Buyers, What...
Credit and Store Cards
Credit and Store Cards: Top Tips on Making Credit Work for You, In...
Data Protection
Data Protection: The Digital Economy Act and How Will it Affect You, Claiming...
Dining Out
Dining Out: Complain About Your Meal, About Service Charges and Tips, Minimum...
FAQs: Returning a Gift to the Shop, Delay on Sofa Ordered for Delivery...
Financial: Your Rights On Bank Overdraft Charges, Your Investment Rights, Your...
Health: Dentists - What They Should Do For You, Doctors - What They Should Do...
Holidays: Booking a Holiday - What if it Goes Wrong, The Fake EHIC Card Scam,...
Leisure: Unfair Charges: How I Took on a Gym Chain and Won!, What to Expect...
Property: What you Need to Know About Mortgages, Council Houses - Your Right to...
Shopping: What Guarantees Mean, Buying by Mail Order, Using Small Claims Court,...
Tradespeople: What If A Market Trader Rips you Off?, How Are Price Comparison Sites...
Transport: Buying an Extended Warranty on a Used Car, Buying a Used Car: Your...
Utilities: Moving House: My Gas and Electricity Company Nightmare, Mobile...
When it Goes Wrong
When it Goes Wrong: Weddings: When it all Goes Wrong, When Your Complementary Therapy...
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