Data Protection...
Below are our articles on the subject of Data Protection. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Claiming Compensation Under Data Protection Act
You can claim compensation under the Data Protection Act if a breach causes you damage and distress. This offers you a guide to claiming compensation....

Going to Court Over Data Protection
If you feel the way an organisation has processed your data had led to damage and distress for you, can you take them to court. This guides you through the process....

The Digital Economy Act and How Will it Affect You
Did you know the last government introduced legislation that could lead to people who share files over the Internet losing their Internet connection? Here are the…...

The Problems With Automatic Data Processing
Much data is automatically processed these days and used to make decisions about you. But if you disagree with those decisions, there are legal steps you can take....

Using The Law To Protect Your Personal Data
Every day information about you is being processed and stored on many different databases. But under the law you have rights to ensure it's used wisely and sparingly...

What to do if Your Information is Incorrect
If you discover that information held about you is incorrect or inaccurate, you can take steps to have it rectified. This tells you how....